In 2006, John Roloff and Lewis deSoto were hired by the City of Oakland to develop concepts for the Estuary Channel that links Lake Merritt with the San Francisco Bay and Oakland Estuary system. The site borders the land of the Peralta Community College District in Oakland. The channel and its immediate mechanical functions regulate the height of tidal waters into Lake Merritt and aid in flood control. Part of the master plan is to create wetlands for wildlife in the city by opening up a series of restrictive culverts. The other parts of the plan include creating a water bypass for small water craft into the area and enhanced visitor experiences. The artist team has come up with a multi-tiered program of metaphors, activities and experiences that give the view a broader view of this water feature in the city of Oakland. The artist team works actively with Sasaki and Associates in San Francisco and Rajappan and Meyer consulting engineers in San José, California on various art features and design enhancements. This project is on hiatus and I have left completion of the project to my partner, John Roloff. Shown are various ideas developed in the conceptual phase.